Giving online is now simple and flexible. No need to re-enter your personal information each time you make a contribution. Your personal information and giving preferences will be saved securely. Contributions can be made as a one-time gift or scheduled as recurring for an interval you create. You can modify or cancel those contributions at any time prior to the date they are scheduled. Once the contribution has been processed, however, it cannot be cancelled.
I don't want spam or church mailings...
The purpose of your access to The Feed is to make it easy for you to do online what you need to do to take your next step. It’s not for us to capture your information so we can invade your personal space. We’re serious about that. You can also unsubscribe your email address at any time.
I'm nervous about sharing my personal information...
CrossWinds respects your privacy and encourages you to protect your personal information online. That’s why we’ve made our database completely secure. Let’s clarify what you won’t get when you create an account:
- Spammed, harassed, and profiled for marketing purposes
- Deluged with information you don’t want, don’t need, or didn’t ask for
- Infiltrated by spyware or asked for money Instant-messaged by random strangers
- Email forwards with cookie recipes, chain letters, or angel poems
Questions? ContacT Nancy Moreno / 925-560-3819