Our Values

Our Mission Statement

CrossWinds Church is a church community that exists to lead you to a life-changing experience of Jesus’ grace, champion peace and liberty in the midst of disagreement, and help you live God’s purpose for you in this world.

Our Core Values

Jesus Changes Everything
We exist to lead people to a life-changing experience of Jesus’ grace. We believe this grace is enough to radically transform a person’s life. Helping people experience this is the motivation behind everything we do.
Everything is an Experiment
We are a community of creators and innovators, always willing to try something new in order to have a bigger impact for our mission. Many of those experiments succeed, but we also embrace learning from our mistakes.
Playing it Safe is Risky
We are willing to take risks in the love we show, the grace we give, and the truth we speak, all for the sake of advancing our mission.
Speak Life
We would rather be known by what we’re for than what we’re against. Our world is divided enough; we want to unite around the common grace we find in Jesus. To that end, we choose to express words and actions that are life-giving and point to Jesus.
Pray like it depends on God - Take action like it depends on you
We are both a community of prayer as well as action. We believe that God can and does move miraculously. We also believe that oftentimes, those miracles happen through the everyday actions of God’s people.
Love people when they least expect it and least deserve it
We strive to love like Jesus did, with a radical love that extends as much to an enemy as it does to a friend. This love is life-changing, course-altering, and God-honoring.
The vision God gave this church is too important for us to be divisive over disagreements. We exist to actively make peace and be champions of liberty in the midst of our differences.
It is never too late to become who you might have been
Jesus’ grace is enough to redeem a lifetime of mistakes. No matter how far you’ve wandered, you can still live God’s purpose for you in this world.
The Big Idea
We pour our greatest amount of effort into one single thing each week for maximum impact.
Bring Someone With You
The mission of this church is too important to keep to ourselves. Whether it’s bringing someone to a Sunday service, inviting someone to serve with you, or intentionally sharing life with a neighbor, we believe YOU play a vital part in expanding our impact.

What We Believe

CrossWinds Church is a church community that exists to lead you to a life-changing experience of Jesus’ grace, champion peace and liberty in the midst of disagreement, and help you live God’s purpose for you in this world.

We believe that there is one God, the Creator of the universe, and that this God is good, wise, powerful, loving, and holy. We believe that this God loves everything that He has made, especially human beings, whom He created in His own image.
Acts 17:24-28
We also believe that, through no fault of God's, humanity estranged itself from God, and that this estrangement is the ultimate cause of all evil, pain, suffering and death in the world - and beyond. We believe that if God didn't provide a means of escape, the human race - as individuals, and as the whole family of humankind - would self destruct, remaining eternally separated from God.
Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:23; 6:23
We believe that this state of affairs was unacceptable to God. We believe that God came into our world, and that it is through the death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection that God rescues men and women, children and elderly, rich and poor alike - and He demonstrates His great love, and claims us to be a part of His eternal community.
John 3:16; Romans 5:8; I Corinthians 1:18; John 11:25
We believe that it was God's desire to communicate this love to us, and that He has done so in the Bible - our highest source of authority. We believe that the Bible is true - God would not lie to us about these things - and that in it we learn not only of God's rescue through Christ, but also of His way of life through the Holy Spirit.
II Peter 1:20-21; II Timothy 3:16-17
We believe, therefore, that this one God exists, mysteriously, in three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that this God alone is worthy of all our worship, our highest adoration, and our life-long service.
Genesis 1:26; John 1:1; 14:26