New Here
Service Times
9:00AM & 11:00AM
CrossWinds Church is a community that wants to help you encounter God. We are often a place for those who find themselves giving church "one last try." Our services last about an hour. During that time you'll experience an encouraging message, powerful music, and have an opportunity to start your week with some useful tools to navigate whatever it is you might be going through in life. We have fun, safe programming for kids birth-5th grade as well as a junior high ministry that meets at the 11:00am service. You, your family, your friends are welcome here, as you are.
Taking care of your children & providing an amazing experience for them is one of our greatest joys. Plan to get here a few minutes early if you had kids, so you can get them checked into their specific environments. Likewise, this will give us as a church an opportunity to help you and your family if needed to ensure your experience is smooth.
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Being a teenager in today's world is incredibly difficult. CrossWind's aim is provide an accepting, loving community for students to know that they matter and belong, irrespective of what they might believe. They can come, hang out, and make friends in a low-pressure environment where they're not asked to be anything other than themselves.
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