Overcoming Life's Toughest Challenges - Josh Carman

Just like any other part of the Bible, Romans 9 isn't meant to be read in isolation. It's part of a larger discussion that Paul groups together in Romans 9-11. We won't dive into everything, but let's look at a couple of key thoughts from Romans 11. There's a verse, Romans 11:1, that's worth highlighting.

It goes like this: "I ask then, did God reject his people?" Paul answers, "By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin." Here, Paul's using his own life to show his Jewish readers that God hasn't given up on them.

Paul's Transformation: A Testament to God's Work

Think about Paul's story. He was a Pharisee of Pharisees, a Jew among Jews. He came from a tribe directly linked to David's line - he was the real deal in Judaism, both culturally and religiously. He's saying, "I embody everything that makes a great Jew.”

If you wanted to be an exemplary Jew, you'd follow Paul's life. He even went as far as persecuting and killing the very Christians he later defended. He's saying, “Look at the dramatic change God made in my life. I was this, but now I'm this.”

God Hasn't Abandoned You

Here’s the truth you need to hear today: God hasn't abandoned you. Many of us feel we've gone too far or we're too messed up. We think there are things in our lives that keep God from loving us. We have these negative thoughts always running through our heads, making us feel unlovable, unworthy, or not good enough.

But here's the thing: Paul draws attention to his heritage and all that made him who he was to say, "All of these things pale in comparison to who Christ has made me." He's become a new creation, as he'll say in other letters, with a new opportunity, a new chance.

And it's all because of faith. It has nothing to do with what Paul did, who he was, how good he was, how rich he was, or his status as both a Jew and a Roman citizen. None of that mattered. And it's the same for you and me.

Today, the only thing that matters in your life is faith. What do you say about Jesus? Nothing else. All of life boils down to this one question: Who is Jesus to you? You can come to Jesus as your authentic self. Jesus doesn't want to make you into some version of yourself that you'd hate. That doesn't make sense.

God's Invitation: Respond in Genuine Faith

What Jesus is calling you to do is respond with genuine faith. Then, He can partner with you through the Holy Spirit to make you more like Him. This is the whole purpose of our lives. And Paul is saying, "If God can do it for me, He can certainly do it for you."

Romans 11:32 says: "For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all." This is the high point of these three chapters. It's the culmination of everything Paul's been saying.

God can do whatever He wants. He's sovereign, and we, as human beings - the created - have no right to talk back to God or decide what He should or shouldn't be okay with. It's all God's decision. And you know what God, in His sovereignty, decided to do? To have mercy on all of us.

There's no person God doesn't love. Yes, God can do whatever He wants, and if people are willing to follow Him, He'll do amazing, miraculous things in their lives. But if people reject God, He'll say, "Because I love you so much, I'll respect your decision."

You're not too far gone for Jesus. This passage applies directly to your life situation right now. Paul reminds us that as long as we're breathing, it doesn't matter what we've done. We have access to the same Jesus, the same risen Christ, the same Holy Spirit, the same God of the universe that was available to Paul all those years ago.

God's Plea: Trust and Surrender

What God is earnestly asking us today is this: if we genuinely trust Him, submit, surrender, and turn control of our lives over to Him, we'll be radically transformed. We'll be given the tools to navigate and walk through a life that's often stuck in the muck of evil that hurts us inside.

Facing Life's Challenges with Faith

Life throws challenges at us, doesn't it? But with faith in God, we can face these challenges head-on. Faith is not just a belief, but a trust in God's plan and His ability to guide us through difficult times. God doesn't promise an easy life, but He promises to be with us through it all. When we put our faith in Him, we're equipped to handle whatever comes our way.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey. As Christians, we're part of a community of believers who support and encourage each other. When challenges arise, lean on your faith and your fellow believers. Together, we can overcome any obstacle.

An Invitation to Explore

If you're spiritually curious or even skeptical, that's okay. God welcomes your questions and doubts. He's big enough to handle them. Why not take some time to explore who Jesus is? You might be surprised by what you discover. This invitation is open to everyone, regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey. God is always ready to meet you where you are and guide you to a deeper understanding of His love and grace.

In the end, it all comes down to this: God loves you, no matter what. He's not given up on you, and He's ready to transform your life if you'll let Him. Are you ready to take that step of faith?

The Beauty of Faith in Challenges

God's love doesn't shield us from life's hardships. In fact, following Jesus might make things tougher. But here's the amazing part: when we accept Christ, we gain a new perspective that transforms how we experience life. It's not about avoiding problems but facing them with hope.

We can't control most of what happens to us. But we can choose who we trust. Jesus invites us to put our faith in Him, surrendering control to the One who truly holds it all.

This message isn't just for new believers. Whether you've known Jesus for a day or decades, we all need reminders to trust Him. It's a daily choice to let go and let God lead.

Life throws challenges our way, testing our faith. But with God by our side, we're never alone in these struggles. He doesn't promise an easy road, but He promises to walk it with us.

So, whether you're exploring faith or have been a Christian for years, Jesus is calling you to trust Him anew. It's an invitation to experience life as it's meant to be lived - not without difficulties, but with an unshakeable hope that carries us through them.

Are you ready to take that step of faith today?