I'm thrilled to share some exciting news with you about the future leadership of our church!

Many of you know that I announced my upcoming transition out of the Senior Pastor role this past January. Finding the right person to bring new leadership to CrossWinds wasn't a simple task. Traditionally, Senior Pastors are expected to wear many hats – teaching, leading, overseeing staff, pastoral care, discipleship, missions, planning Sunday services and more. We realized this can be a lot for one person to manage effectively. Through this process, we began to consider an innovative solution: a dual leadership structure. This allows us to leverage the strengths of two exceptional individuals.

With the help of Slingshot, a search firm specializing in church leadership, we cast a wide net, interviewing over 60 candidates from across the country (and even into South Africa). But after all that – we didn’t end up hiring someone from across the globe… just across the state. Josh Carman, our new Lead Pastor, brings a strong leadership skill set and a passion for guiding our church body. He impressed us with his ability to inspire and guide a team, his engaging communication style, and his commitment to building a welcoming and inclusive church.

As I mentioned, though, it’s a challenge for any one person to manage everything we often put on a Lead Pastor’s plate - and that’s where Andrea Coli comes in. As you know, Andrea has been an important part of CrossWinds leadership for 15 years. Her deep understanding of our church's values, her passion for creative worship experiences, and her gift for teaching have drawn our elders to elevate her existing role of Teaching Pastor.

She'll oversee our Sunday morning teaching ministry (giving leadership to our Teaching Team), ensuring that our services remain engaging and relevant. This frees Josh to focus on the broader leadership aspects, such as vision-casting, staff development, pastoral care, and building partnerships within the community. Of course, Josh will be teaching on Sundays as well!

We believe this unique structure will allow both Josh and Andrea to utilize their strengths and passions to their fullest, ultimately benefiting the entire CrossWinds family.

Josh will be joining us full-time on August 1st, and there will be plenty of opportunities to get to know him and his family before his official installation as Lead Pastor in January. We'll share more details about the transition process and upcoming meet-and-greets in the coming weeks.

We're incredibly grateful to our dedicated staff and elders for their tireless efforts throughout this search. We believe God has led us to the perfect Lead Pastor to join our team and guide CrossWinds into a bright future!

In the meantime, if you’d like more details about the process, you can watch last Sunday’s service where we made this announcement in-person, above.




(On Sunday, January 7, Senior Pastor Chris Coli announced his upcoming plans to transition into a new role outside of CrossWinds Church in order to answer God's call for this next season of ministry. Below, you’ll find the text of the letter he sent to our church family after his announcement - for more details and context, please find Chris’ sermon from January 7 above, and in the event of questions, concerns, or needed clarity, please reach out to any of our pastors- they, along with our elders, will be available after our Sunday services.)

Dear CrossWinds Family,

I'm writing to share some news with you today—news that brings me both excitement and a touch of bittersweetness. After 16 incredible years at CrossWinds, I'm embarking on a new journey, one that will see me transition out of my Senior Pastor role while remaining part of the CrossWinds family I love so dearly.

This wasn't a decision I took lightly. I've poured my heart and soul into serving this church, and the bond I share with you is one I wouldn't trade for anything. But sometimes, God calls us onto unexpected paths, paths that may stretch our comfort zone but ultimately lead us to a deeper purpose.

That call has come to me through WellSpring, a ministry dedicated to caring for the souls of pastors. See, in the 30 years I've served as a pastor, I've witnessed firsthand the immense pressure and vulnerability that comes with this calling. I've seen pastors, gifted and passionate, struggle with burnout, loneliness, and even the dark side of ministry, often silenced by the expectation to be a pillar of strength.

WellSpring's mission resonates deeply within me. It's about creating a safe haven for pastors and ministry leaders, a place where they can find solace, support, and the chance to tend to their own souls so they can continue tending to the needs of others. This opportunity to play a role in such a crucial ministry feels like an extension of my calling—a way to use my experience to serve not just a single congregation, but the wider community of pastors who dedicate their lives to spreading God's love.

Now, I understand this news might raise some questions. What happens to CrossWinds? When will this transition take place? And what about Andrea? Let me address these questions head-on.

First, I'm not leaving tomorrow. We'll be conducting a thorough search for a new Senior Pastor—and until then, I'll be here leading, teaching, and supporting the church just as I always have. I want this transition to be smooth and seamless, ensuring that the mission and spirit of CrossWinds continue to thrive. My commitment to this church remains unwavering.

As for Andrea, she has a powerful call of her own—one that strongly resonates within the walls of CrossWinds. She will continue to be your Teaching Pastor, bringing her leadership, wisdom, and passion to this community.

I know this might come as a surprise, and I want to assure you that I haven't made this decision impulsively. I've spent months in prayer, seeking God's guidance and weighing every possibility. In the end, I believe this is the right path for me and for the future of CrossWinds.

I invite you to watch the video recording of this Sunday's service, where I shared the full story of my call to WellSpring, the timeline for the transition, and my unwavering faith in the potential of CrossWinds to be a force for the hope of Jesus in our world. You can find the video above.

This isn't goodbye, friends. It's the start of a new chapter—a chapter filled with hope, growth, and the continued pursuit of God's purpose for this remarkable church. I'm grateful for your unwavering support and love throughout my time as your Senior Pastor, and I know that bond will continue to bind us together as we move forward on this new journey. AND… I’m going to be here in this role for quite some time as we go thru our search for the future Senior Pastor of CrossWinds.

Thank you for walking beside me. I trust we will all experience God’s continued guidance and blessing in this.

With gratitude and love,

Pastor Chris