Both/And: Growing Beyond the Either/Or

There's something comforting about either/or choices: This or that? Here or there? Yes or no? But what happens when your thoughts, feelings and experiences seem in conflict with themselves? You have faith, but you also have doubt. You desire God's will for your life, but you also carry responsibility for your own decisions. These seemingly opposing realities cause a tension in us that can be uncomfortable. Yet it might be exactly where God wants us. Are you ready to broaden your perspective from either/or constraints and find the beauty in a both/and way of thinking? Join us as we find out how.

The Both/And of Tough Conversations | 05.19.24

BOTH/AND: The Both/And of God's Will | 06/02/24

The Both/And of Faith and Uncertainty | 05.26.24

BOTH/AND: The Both/And of the Whole Pie | 06/09/24